Contact Us

    Please select your contact option from the list below:

    (Natasha asks you to be patient if you have emailed her. She’ll be returning emails within a week.)

    PR & Media Relations

    If you are a member of the media and would like more information about our organization or if you just have a question please contact Joe at and we will get back to you.


    ACPO is looking to unite the world against this injustice that’s being dealt to our children. We feel that in order to do that, we need to become united in this effort. Our goal is to join the world together to fight child porn on the Internet. We feel that if we have a person in every town, state, and country in the world, we have a possibility of putting a dent in this blatant destruction of our children’s futures. We want you to think about how you can help in achieving this goal. We are also asking for your suggestions. What do you think you could do to assist ACPO?

    If you wish to become an ACPO liaison, send an e-mail to

    including your full name, and a valid contact e-mail address. We will contact you for a brief interview and to inform you about what we expect of our liaisons, and how you can do a best possible job.

    Job Description

    As a liaison for ACPO, we want you to help us spread information about ACPO and what we do. We do not ask you to become a “press spokesman”, but to contact whoever you feel need to know about the organization and the work it is doing. Examples could be schools, your city council, local politicians, and local law enforcement. In short whoever, you feel need to or should know about this.

    We also want you to keep an eye on what is happening in your area. Read the papers; watch the news and pay attention to local happenings. Tell us about anything that is related to our work. Be it news articles, political decisions or anything else.

    Contact your local authorities, and get contacts for our database. We need contacts at all levels of the community. Political and law enforcement, and legal workers.

    We will in no way expect you to, nor encourage, that you actively seek out child pornographic material. That is a job best left to law enforcement and those with experience and knowledge about how to deal with the subject. Be creative, and help us spread information, that’s all we ask.

    Locations of Useful Information

    • phone book
    • newspaper
    • TV
    • radio
    • library
    • the internet ( is a useful search engine)
    • legal representatives
    • law enforcement representatives
    • hospitals
    • churches
    • family counciling
    • child abuse centers


    These are only a few suggestions for where you might search for resources to assist ACPO. Use your imagination, this is your job if you accept it. Please make this world a better, happier, and safer place for all our children.


    Our sponsors can be found here.

    If interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Natasha.


    A sad fact is that ACPO has operating costs. Although we are staffed completely by volunteers we have expenses for things like office materials, brochures, posters, web hosting, etc. that are currently barely being met by the out-of-pocket contributions of ACPO staff.

    We are a non-profit corporation registered with the United States Internal Revenue Service and for residents and corporations within the United States, all of your contribution to our cause may be tax-deductible. If your employer matches employee contributions have them contact us before you make your donation.

    Please help us continue our fight against child pornography, please help us with a charitable contribution.



    If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this website, feel free to send these comments . The following person/s will get the email you send to that address: