
-ACPO is not in need of more volunteers at the moment.-

If you would like to become a volunteer, check out the different departments within ACPO, and see how you might fit in the organization. If you find an area you might be able to assist us with, email that department head. Telling him or her that you are interested in joining ACPO, and have an interest in that particular department. If you see a slot that needs to be filled, and don’t see who to email, mail me at: natasha@antichildporn.org

and I’ll find someone to help you. We really want to develop our liaison department to encompass the world. If you are from a State or Country you don’t see represented, email me. ACPO has run these past four years because of people like you. People who care about the future of our children, and want to make a difference. I hope this Flow Chart will explain a little better, that we are an organizaiton, not just a website.